Quercus shumardii
(Shumard Oak)
“Quercus shumardii, 2018” by F.D. Richards is licensed under CC BY 2.0
“Quercus shumardii” by Bruce Kirchoff is licensed under CC BY 2.0
A large tree growing 100′ or taller, open spreading crown.
Leaves: deciduous, alternate, simple, dark green, smooth and shiny on top, paler beneath, turning red in the fall.
Flowers: Spring, male catkins 5 to 7″ in length, female in short spikes.
Fruit: singly or pairs, nut about 1″ long.
Twigs: smooth, slender to thick, gray to reddish brown.
Bark: light brown to gray or black, smooth at first, developing into tight furrows.
Comments: Good fall color, wildlife, good shade tree, prefers acidic to mildly alkaline soils.
“Quercus shumardii, 2015” by F.D. Richards is licensed under CC BY 2.0
“Shumard's oak bark. (Quercus shumardii.)” by Greg Blick is licensed under CC BY 2.0
“Buckley X Shumard Oak” by Mary PK Burns is licensed under CC BY 2.0