Acer rubrum
(Red Maple)
“fall colours (1)” by nothingtosay is licensed under CC BY 2.0
“Beautiful maple” by Ruth Hartnup is licensed under CC BY 2.0
A relatively large tree that can reach 80′ to 100′ but normally reaching 50′ to 60′.
Leaves: are deciduous, opposite, simple, 2-6″ in length, turn red and orange in the fall, whitish undersides.
Flowers: are bright red in clusters along young branches before the leaves in early spring.
Fruit: spring to early summer on slender hanging stalks, paired samaras with red or yellow wings 1/2 to 1 1/2″ length.
Twigs: smooth, usually slender, reddish with dark red buds.
Bark: Light gray and smooth when young, darker and more furrowed with age.
Comments: A very fast growing ornamental and shade tree that provides year round color.
“the slow fade” by katie wheeler is licensed under CC BY 2.0
“Maple fruit and new leaves” by Martin LaBar is licensed under CC BY 2.0