Quercus stellata
(Post Oak)
“Post Oak” by Vincent Parsons is licensed under CC BY 2.0
“Post Oak” by sandy richard is licensed under CC BY 2.0
A medium to large tree often growing in excess of 55′ with a broad rounded crown.
Leaves: alternate, deciduous 4-5″ in length and nearly as wide, deeply divided into 5-lobes with the lobes being widest at the ends, forming a cross shape. Dark green on the upper surface, paler and hairy below.
Flowers: male and female on the same tree appearing in spring when leaves are about one-third grown. Male catkins in drooping clusters about 5″ in length, female flowers inconspicuous.
Fruit: oval acorn ripening in fall, about 1/2 – 1″ in length set in a small cup covering about 1/3 of the acorn.
Twigs: stout and grayish to brown, rounded buds.
Bark: on mature trees thick and distinctive with deep fissures separated by dark gray ridges.
Comments: usually found on upland well drained sites, however; in S.E. Texas may tolerate some wetter or poorly drained areas. Larger trees are often stout twisted and gnarled. Good source of food for wildlife.
“_DSC5694” by Plant Image Library is licensed under CC BY 2.0
“Post Oak” by Katja Schulz is licensed under CC BY 2.0