Prunus mexicana
(Mexican Plum)
“Mexican Plum Blossoms” by TexasEagle is licensed under CC BY 2.0
“Mexican Plum” by Mary PK Burns is licensed under CC BY 2.0
A small tree reaching 20-30′ at maturity.
Leaves: simple, serrate, alternate, deciduous, 2-4″ in length turning yellow in fall.
Flowers: white, in clusters with five petals 1″ wide, early spring.
Fruit: Large drupe about 1″ in diameter, maturing in midsummer through fall, flesh is thick and edible surrounding round single seed 1/2″ in length. Fruit is dark red/purplish at maturity.
Twigs: slender and smooth, terminal buds are up to 2″ in length, pointed and scaly.
Bark: gray to black when young becoming scaly, rough and furrowed bark as tree matures, old trees may have dark papery bark.
Comments: A tough tree when planted in well-drained areas, usually exists in the understory of creek bottoms, moist woods, slopes, canyons, and fence rows.
“Mexican Plum, New Leaves” by Mary PK Burns is licensed under CC BY 2.0
“snack” by seven twenty five is licensed under CC BY 2.0