Ehretia anacua
“Ehretia anacua 12zz” by David Stang is licensed under CC BY 4.0
A small tree growing to about 30′, rounded and dense crown.
Leaves: alternate, simple, somewhat evergreen, leathery, rough, toothed from the middle of the leaf to the tip, oval – oblong and 2-4″ long.
Flowers: fragrant, small white clusters in March and April.
Fruit: clusters of reddish – yellow edible berries about 1/2″ in diameter in June and July.
Twigs: slender brown to gray with out terminal buds.
Bark: Grayish to reddish brown and becoming somewhat corky with age.
Comments: Good tree for wildlife (food and nesting). Berries and leaves were used for some medicinal purposes in the 1800’s.
“Ehretia anacua 4zz” by David Stang is licensed under CC BY 4.0
“Ehretia anacua flowers” by Carlos Abrego is licensed under CC BY 2.0